Gorp, Interviews, Novels, Promotions

MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape Interview with Author Jon Ray

January 1, 2019

Recently, I sat down with the Interview Blog MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape to give some details about writing and my newest Gorp the Goblin book in the series “Gorp: Dungeon Overlord”. It’s my last author interview for 2018! Happy New Year everyone. You can read the internet here-> https://mylifemybooksmyescape.wordpress.com/2018/12/31/author-interivew-jon-ray/

Book Tour


March 27, 2018

I was recently interviewed by the authorinterviews Blog and gave a lot of details into my writing, books, some history and things that have inspired me. Click the link below to read the interview. Here is my interview with Jon Ray