Every Gorp the Goblin novel was written during a NaNoWriMo, Book 1 was in 2010, years later I finally published it. Book 2 was written in 2017, but it wasn’t finished until November 1st, at 12:01 am. The start of NaNoWriMo 2018! I decided to write the 3rd and final book this year. Only problem was, I still had to finish book 2, so I was writing like a mad author right up until 12:02 am Nov. 1st, where I had a prepared blank document sitting and ready to start the 3rd book.
I was able to write my 3rd novel this year and exceeded 50k words, however, this book is far from over and I predict I still have about 20k – 30k more words to go until the novel and series is finished. I’ll be working towards a May 2019 deadline to get it published and won’t make the mistake of waiting until the next NaNoWriMo to get it done. I’m actually excited about finishing up the Gorp series as I have plenty more projects, stories, worlds, and characters I wish to introduce to the world.